The ENTO range, comes in 3 designs. 1) The Buzz inspired by the intricate beauty of bees, featuring a bold, honey-yellow backdrop adorned with a vibrant bee design, 2) The...
Designed in conjunction with the EXO dart range, the EXO Pro Ultra NO.6 flights designed to complement the EXO steel tip and soft tip darts. Featuring a spot UV print,...
The Flag flight range is a stunning range of flights featuring designs focusing on the national flags of the Netherlands. These eye-catching designs are made of 100 Micron. WHAT’S IN...
Created alongside the Bolide Void dart range with an exclusive design to enhance the darts' aesthetic appeal using a spot UV print to enhance flight to shaft grip in a...
Featuring a spot UV print, which adds an additional layer of coating to the flight, improving shaft grip and adds an extra layer of protection against wear and tear to...
We are pleased to be introducing the Target TEN-X, the next generation of the standard flight family. Officially the smallest standard flight on the market, the Ten-X offers the stability...