Created exclusively with Rob Cross, known as “The Voltage,” renowned for his precision and competitive spirit, Rob Cross is a former PDC World Champion and UK Open winner, solidifying his...
Designed in exclusive collaboration with the talented Dimitri Van den Bergh, a PDC World Matchplay Champion renowned for his electrifying playing style and charisma, this Player-Edition K-Flex Flight and Shaft...
The Nathan Aspinall Player-Edition K-Flex Flight and Shaft system’s design is inspired by the stealth and precision of the ASP serpent. Known as the "ASP," Nathan Aspinall’s unique design features...
Designed in exclusive collaboration with the legendary Raymond van Barneveld, a five-time PDC World Champion renowned for his exceptional skill and sportsmanship, this Player-Edition K-Flex Flight and Shaft system showcases...
Cosmo Fit Flight AIR is approximately 35% thinner and 33% less weight than the original Fit Flight. Even though the Fit Flight AIR has been reduced in thickness, the durability...